drawing class/ painting class
During the painting and drawing lessons, the children get to work with different drawing and painting techniques in a playful way. The children will develop their creativity and skills through fun and educational assignments. One week a specific theme may be central and the next week a specific technique may be the starting point of the lesson. Not only do we use pencil & paint, but the children are also introduced to materials such as charcoal, pastel chalk and watercolor pencils, etc. The children will explore with their own imagination and learn to stimulate their creativity. An important lesson here is to enjoy drawing and not to set too high standards. You mainly learn to draw and paint by doing it a lot.
During the painting and drawing lessons, fun is paramount in addition to learning!
For more information and registration scroll further down.
drawing class/ painting class
For children aged 7 to 11 years
Dinsdag leeftijd 7+: 15.30 - 16.45
( deze les is vol, u kunt uw kind opgeven voor de wachtlijst)
Nieuw aanbod!!! Op dinsdag is er nu ook de optie om voor een lange Crea middag te kiezen. De kinderen zijn dan welkom vanaf 15.30 tot 17.45 inclusief de schilder- en tekenles. Meer info vind je hier:
Klik hier voor de Crea middag.
Wednesday 7 + group: 13.30 - 14.45
(plek beschikbaar)
You can enroll at any time. You then only pay for the remaining outstanding lessons.
Lesson blocks
We work in teaching periods from holiday to holiday. Classes are continuous throughout the year. There are no classes during the official school holidays.
( Pay per lesson period, after each period you can decide whether you want to participate again in the next period.
School year 24/25
Blok 1: 9 september t/m 20 december 2024
Blok 2: 6 januari t/m 17 april 2025
Blok 3: 6 mei t/m 4 juli 2025
Kids Art Club Amsterdam vindt plaats op de locatie:
Studio Creatief
Orteliusstraat 151
1057 AX Amsterdam
Trial lesson 15 euro
Single lesson: 16,50 euro
Per lesson period block: :
Blok 1 24/25: 14 lessen = 231 euro
Blok 2 24/25: 14 lessen = 231 euro
Blok 3 24/25: 9 lessen = 148,50 euro
Per academic year:: 610,50
You can enroll at any time. You then only pay for the remaining outstanding lessons.
Participate in a single lesson or bring a friend?
This is possible as long as space is available. . Send me a whatsapp message to ask if there is space available in class. The price of a single lesson will then be charged.

Jeugd fonds sport & cultuur
We work together with the JongerenCultuurFonds, which supports children from low-income families. The Foundation pays 480 euros per year for the child's lessons. This means that you have the option of taking a course with a large discount or for free. For more information about the conditions and registration, you can email us at: info@kidsartclub-deamsterdammertjes.nl